In Malaysia, it’s not difficult to hear people uttering really dumb shallow comments.
For example, try getting people from PAS to say:
And you would get a string of dumb comments from people around (especially the Chinese). One of the dumbest comments that I’ve read so far is:
“My vote was initially with Pakatan. Now that PAS said that they will implement Hudud even if it means changing alliances, I would not vote for them now! So if there’s a PAS candidate in my area, I’ll vote for BN!”
One heck of a WTF moment. Seriously, are we really that shallow and dumb concurrently or is this the effect of being colonized by BN for 50 over years? One statement makes all the wrongs that BN has committed - right and fit to rule for another 5 years again.
So like right thinking Malaysians, let’s explore the issue of HUDUD.
The first question that we have to ask ourselves is, “Can PAS by itself implement Hudud if all other parties are not agreeable?”
In the last 2008 General Elections, PAS won a total of 23 out of 222 seats. In order to change the laws in Malaysia, 2/3 majority is required (i.e. 148 seats). For now, we know our dear UMNO (79 seats) is totally against it cause everytime PAS brings up Hudud, they’re the first to make such a big issue out of it or they talk about it but have no bola to commit, DAP (28 seats) has clearly made their stand and MCA, MIC and Gerakan are equally in the no-go-Hudud zone (15 seats, 3 pathetic seats and 2 even more pathetic seats respectively). PKR not too sure. So in total, we have 127 seats confirm with a “we-say-no-to-Hudud”.
So my dear overly panicky friends, how is PAS going to achieve a Hudud state with a mere 97 seats (assuming PKR and the rest of the seats are 100% behind them). Ha? How? That is why, when your parents ask you to learn maths properly, you should have listened to them.
The one logical thing that people should start doing is to get their reference from Tok Guru Nik Aziz instead of mainstream media who at one side criticizes the implementation of Hudud and on the other side, condemns the fact that Hudud is being criticized by the non-Muslims. Either way, the opposition is always wrong.
So, put aside that Star, burn that Utusan, only use the Strait Times to wrap meat and vegetable, get on Facebook, befriend Nik Aziz and hear it from his mouth himself who has over and over again reiterated that - “Saya memberi jaminan jika hukum hudud dilaksanakan di Kelantan, ia tidak akan dikuatkuasakan ke atas bukan Islam sebab hanya meliputi umat Islam”. What is there to twist and turn on that matter? ONLY ISLAM kawan. So if you’re a non-Muslim, please refrain from making unnecessary comments.
Also, to get a taste of how PAS would rule, take Kelantan as an example.
Ask the Chinese that originate from Kelantan? And they’ll tell you they live harmoniously. Their places of worship don’t get torn down. They get funding for their places of worship. They sell pork freely.
Go to Shah Alam during UMNO rule and you’ll have to sell pork well hidden from everybody and you’ll have to blackout where you hang the pork with black plastic bag. You can’t display a cross at the shop lot where you worship. Toyo has a house that cost millions but only paid a friction out for it and the previous MB was caught in Australia siphoning money out.
Now, let’s assume for one moment that when Hudud is implemented and it is also applicable to the non-Muslim (HYPOTHETICALLY). My question to you then, is what would you be willing to trade Hudud for?
Would you be willing to trade Hudud for…
- Corruption
- Cronyism
- Constant heckling by BN that you are a PENDATANG
- Erosion of your right to your religion
- Pseudo democracy
- Increase crime rate
- Mismanagement of funds
- Guilty people walking free just because they know somebody
- Unjust justice
Would you? Would you trade all of the above just because of Hudud? Think, think humans!
And if somebody comes up to me and tell me, “But if Islamic state take over, have to line up separate lines, cinema brightly lighted up, no more Rihanna or Gaga concert…” I will take out my shoes and slap the living hell out of the person. Just because of such petty issues, you’re willing to sacrifice all of the above just to stand against Hudud? Are you crazy?
Back to basics. PAS manisfesto. Please tell me which line says – “to oppress people of other religion and races”
Tujuan PAS ialah :
i. Memperjuangkan wujudnya di dalam negara ini sebuah masyarakat dan pemerintahan yang terlaksana di dalamnya bilai-nilai hidup Islam dan hukum-hukumnya menuju keredhaan Allah.
ii. Mempertahankan Kesucian Islam serta kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara.
Usaha-usaha PAS :
i. Menyeru umat manusia kepada Syari'at Allah dan Sunnah RasulNya melalui dakwah secara lisan, tulisan dan amalan.
ii. Memperjuangkan Islam sebagai aqidah dan syari'ah serta menjadikannya sebagai panduan berpolitik dan bernegara serta memperkenalkan nilai-nilai ke Islaman dalam usaha menegakkan keadilan dan kemajuan di segenap bidang termasuk pemerintahan dan pentadbiran, ekonomi dan sosial serta pelajaran dan pendidikan.
iii. Memupuk dan memperkukuhkan dan memperkuatkan ukhuwah Islamiyah dan menyuburkan rasa perpaduan di kalangan rakyat bagi memelihara kehidupan politik dan masyarakat yang sihat dan berkebajikan.
iv. Mengajak dan menggalakkan badan-badan, pertubuhan-pertubuhan dan orang-orang perseorangan bagi mengenali dan memehami serta memperjuangkan konsep dan pandangan hidup Islam.
v. Menyediakan rencana-rencana dan bertindak bagi memperbaiki susunan serta institusi-institusi masyarakat, bentuk politik, keadilan ekonomi dan negara, untuk membela kepentingan umat Islam dan rakyat seluruhnya.
vi. Menyertai dan bekerjasama dengan badan-badan, persatuan-persatuan atau pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang tidak berlawanan tujuannya dengan PAS bilamana dan selama mana ianya mujstahak dan sesuai serta tidak bercanggah dengan undang-undang negara.
vii. Mempertahankan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa rasmi negara yang tunggal dalam amalannya disamping berusaha mengembangkan bahasa al-Qura'an.
viii. Memperjuangkan wujudnya kebudayaan negara berasaskan nilai-nilai yang tidak bercanggah dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam.
ix. Memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan umat Islam di negara ini tanpa mengabaikan tanggungjawab melaksanakan keadilan terhadap seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan tanggungjawab mewujudkan keharmonian antara kaum di dalam negara ini.
x. Menyertai dan bekerjasama dengan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan badan-badan lain yang sah bagi mengekalkan keamanan dan menjalinkan hak-hak asasi manusia serta menghapuskan segala macam kezaliman, kepalsuan, perhambaan dan penindasan di kalangan umat manusia.
xi. Melakukan apa-apa jua usaha dan tindakan dalam batas-batas Perlembagaan dan Undang-Undang negara bagi mencapai semua tujuan-tujuan PAS ke dalam dan ke luar.
Compare that to BN’s manifesto:
i. To divide and conquer Malaysians regardless.
ii. UMNO to be the tai-ko and MCA and MIC etc to serve UMNO with their tails in between their legs.
iii. UMNO to pretend to protect the rights of Malays.
iv. To really protect the rights of a few selected Malays.
v. MCA to pretend to protect the Chinese.
vi. MIC to pretend to protect the Indians.
vii. To be compulsive liars.
viii. To each be involved in sex scandals (either personally or to accuse others of doing so).
ix. To accumulate and store wealth for self and cronies.
x. To condone and increase corruption in Malaysia as well as to continually decline in Transparency International ranking.
xi. To emulate ruling styles of Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia
xii. To lie, cheat, defame in all manners possible
You choose.
And now finally, someone asked me, “How do I reconcile my support for PAS and my Christian faith?”
My reply of course would be, “How do I reconcile my Christian faith with the outright corruptness and the bastardization of my rights with the ruling party?”
PAS by far have spoken out consistently on protecting my rights (while they at the same time propogate their Islamic values) and have proven this by the governing of their state which resulted in a clear harmonious understanding amongst its people. Of course it is all stems from their conviction in their religion. But my support for PAS does not equal my conviction for Islam but a conviction in doing the right thing.
Would it be any different for a Muslim to support a Christian party who is doing the right thing in upholding justice and rules a country with justice and fairness? Then how? U support your religion, I support my religion, we all let BN win?
The fight to promote ones religion is universal in all religion, to spread the word, to get as many converts etc… but more importantly… above all these is the believe in what is fair and what is not, what is right and what is wrong, the respect for the individuality of each human, the right of each Malaysian and to fight to the last to protect these values.
In conclusion, I strongly stand behind PAS to win again my area (Khalid Samad area btw) and I have no issue in supporting a party which stands up for what is right. Petty issues can be set aside in the very unlikely and absolutely hypothetically event if Hudud was to ever come into the picture. It’s the bigger picture that counts.
Of course if Hudud ever comes into place, a huge chunk of the police force would be kidal, more than half of the coalition ministers would have to go through whipping and another half stoned to death and Najib would suffer a 3 pronged combo punishment – amputation, whipping and stoning (curi, curang, maksiat)