Tuesday 8 November 2011

Fatherhood – The Ramblingssss…

On weekdays... get back home from work… take a nice quite hot shower… watch uninterrupted series on tv…  and go to sleep in the quietness of the night..

And on weekends… switch on the tv, put up my feet on the table, hold on to a packet of chips and watch dvd like there’s no tomorrow…


Now it’s been like a marathon that I’ve been running for the past 1 year and even though people keep telling me that things will get better, the journey to the end of the tunnel seems like a really really really long one.

On weekdays… the moment I get back from work it’s carrying a 10kg baby around the house, wipe her down, change her pampers, put on clothes for her, try my best to keep her occupied while mummy takes a shower and when mummy is done showering, baby suckles to sleep. I go back down to hang her clothes. This is a real nightmare as her clothes are small and there’s always a mountain-ful of it. How come? On a normal day, we as adults change from our pj’s (1 set) to our working clothes (1 set) and back to the same old pj’s (same set). Net net is only 1 set to wash per day (pj’s worn a few days/months). For Athalie, it’s from pj’s (1 set) to morning wear (1 set) to evening wear (1 set) and pj’s again at night (different set). Net net.. 4 SETS OF CLOTHES! And that’s not inclusive of the daily changed towels used to wipe her!

Well… that’s pretty much the end of my day if she sleeps throughout... but of course that doesn’t happen. She sometimes doesn’t want to sleep and want to play... in which we have to play bad cop good cop with her and get her to be desperate enough to sleep by daddy telling her “say bye bye to mummy… mummy’s going out liow…” which would make her cry and decide to sleep. And 1 hr through her sleep while mummy and daddy is having their short lived time together… a wailing is heard from the room. The plan is always for daddy to go to the room 1st to soothe her (which fails pretty much 90% of the time) and if that fails (which it does 90% of the time)… then mummy would come in and put her back to sleep. I use to be able to put her back to sleep when she’s a lot younger but now… thanks to DHA, AHA, Ganglioside, Olligosaccharide, Immunoforce… she’s gotten smart and the moment she doesn’t smell mummy or feel the “bump on the chest” she starts wailing for mummy. It’s pretty “awesome” to get wailed at every night.

Well… that’s not the end of it! When daddy and mummy decide to go to bed (thanks again to DHA, AHA, Ganglioside, Olligosaccharide, Immunoforce)… she would automatically wake up and cry for milk and it always has to be when mummy brushes her teeth and washes up… and daddy... would need to carry a wailing baby around the room until mummy is done washing up.

So after running around the house, getting wailed/screamed at pretty much of the time… I finally get to put my head down to sleep…

Until she cries again in the middle of the night for MILK!!! (which to be fair doesn’t happen a lot unless she suddenly needs a lot more than what is being produced (she is still being breastfed).

All of that is just the daily routine… there are of course other part of my life which is crazy.. I mean every other part of my life…

Eating out is no more the slowly munch you food setting… now... it’s daddy eats as fast as possible while mummy feeds her and occupy her… then once daddy is done... it’s mummy’s time to eat and daddy has to feed and occupy her… All of these needs to be completed in the shortest time possible so baby doesn’t start getting bored… 

Going out now... we constantly look like 24hrs back pack travelers with the huge backpack filled with baby stuff that we have to make sure has all her necessities and carry it around everywhere we go... from wedding dinners to romantic dinners to buffets to chap-chap stalls to tesco... giant.. jusco... 

Life is crazy....

NOTE: I might be rambling about how much I have to do, but my wife definitely goes through a lot lot more than what I have to go through and I am constantly amaze at how she is able to pull through everyday combined with her commitment to her work. She’s the BEST! Also, in general, Athalie is quite an easy baby to handle… juz that daddy sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the new commitments

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