Cow dung is flying around…!
Honestly, we all expected the results of the Auditor-General’s Report. Year in year out, government agencies pay with our hard earned money exorbitant prices for goods purchased. Money that could have been saved and put to much better use.
WALIOW Moments (2006 – 2010):
- Technical books for RM10,700 (RRP: RM417)
- 2-tonne car jack for RM5,741 (RRP: RM50)
- Digital Camera for RM8k (RRP: RM3k)
- Set of screwdrivers for RM224 (RRP: RM40)
- 3 plastic vases for RM42 (RRP: RM5.20)
- 2 laptops for RM85k
- Computer software for RM2.08mil (which was never used)
- RM15mil for new car + car maintenance
- Night Vision Marine Binoculars for RM56k (RRP:RM2k)
- Elba Oven for RM2k (RRP: RM419)
- 1,000 Pamphlet Racks for RM1.95MILLION
And NOW… it’s about COWS!
Apart from being pissed about the wastage of public funds, I am more pissed at the fact that Shahrizat and team seems so oblivious to the word CRONYISM.
First up is Noh. “There is no conflict of interest. It is just a COINCIDENCE. The government INVITED several companies to table their proposals in 2006. Only six companies tabled their proposals,”1
And then we have Shahrizat. “They (her family) don’t deserve the things said by the Opposition because they work very hard.”3
Summary of the COW STORY is this… Cow project --> Invitation --> Shahrizat’s family members COINCIDENTLY got the deal --> They work hard --> but have not BRED the cows they promise but instead have BROUGHT in cows instead as defense!
Auditor says: National Feedlot Centre (NFC) set up in 2008 in Gemas, Negri Sembilan failed to hit its target of BREEDING 8,000 cattle last year.2
Noh says: “the total number of cattle BROUGHT into the farm was 8,016 between 2008 and 2010.”1
Everyday, each one of us (Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan, Dayak, Dusun…) as a citizen of Malaysia study and works darn hard to ensure that we achieve a certain level of wealth to live comfortably. I personally have no issue with the NEP just as long as it promises to serve its purpose to equalize the differences in wealth in the country. Fair enough.
When we are at schools, there’s the quota system. I might score higher than a fellow Bumiputra friend but placed in a lower class. My results in my SPM/STPM might be pretty awesome but yet denied the chance to enter a public university while they got to enter and even be paid to study overseas (all expenses paid). As an adult, I pay more for houses, am not able to invest in Amanah Saham, and govt link companies are definitely hard to get in.
All these so called “inequalities” never bothered me because in the lower class I was in, the private college that I was enrolled in, the work place I am now in, there were always Bumiputras around and I have no problem getting along with them and neither do I have any ill-feeling for the extra privileges they enjoy. To me, in the quest for equality, there needs to be an attitude of give and take.
But the problem is this. We all get LIWAT (sodomized) at the end of the day! The opportunities given to them, the sacrifices I needed to make all meant NOTHING! ZIT! NADA! Because, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you got to enter a better class, university, better job opportunities… you actually needed to KNOW SOMEBODY to get rich!!!
CRONYISM destroys all the dreams and sacrifices we all make as Malaysians and pretty much puts us back at zero while the rich just continue to get richer.
We are pretty much left to feel like bulls pitted against one another. My Bumiputra friends continue to strive for a disillusioned promise of wealth while other races are left sacrificing till doomsday comes.
And now that we have seen how oblivious or immune our fellow minister can be, we can be pretty much be guaranteed that we would continue to be pitted against each other for their benefit. [Pause….]
[ My Stand: There are both poor bumiputras and non-bumiputras and the only reason I believe the NEP should be scrapped is due to the misuse of it and I feel that focus should not only be centered at bringing up one race but Malaysians as a whole. Fair opportunities should be given to all and especially to capable smaller companies regardless of race. ]
[Continue…] It really perplexes me how Noh is able to use the word coincidence in the same line as invited. When you invite somebody, you’re pretty much certain that these set of people would be getting the job and I am pretty sure the invitation was not based on the competency of the companies but rather connected people companies. If it was to be really fair, it should have been an open tender from the start and not by invitation. So there’s no coincidence in your so called coincidence!
And Shahrizat, we all work darn hard everyday even though we don’t get RM73m govt projects. You got the project, messed it up, stripped naked now for all to see so don’t start going round the bush trying to blindside us with your whimpy story of how your family work so darn hard! It is sure as hell your family got the job cause of you so please at least have the decency to admit and make right the wrong.
But I guess it’s a bit too late. Another cow dung has hit the fan. RM10m (of the allocated RM73m) went to a purchase of a luxury One Menerung condo4. Guess you’re into producing wahyu beef now eh..
To my dear readers, have the conscience to boycott the following places/brand for this very simple point – WE DO NOT CONDONE CRONYISM!
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
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Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
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