Friday 23 December 2011


If you happen to be kidnapped and place in this strange island, here are 10 ways for you identify that you are in Penang:

1.          You wake up at 3am with a heart burn from overeating the whole day.
2.          When ordering food, the average dishes per person is 2 and one of the dish is always Char Kuey Teow.
3.          It’s 12am and you still have food that you have “ta pau” and not eaten in your hotel room.
4.          The lines between breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper is blurred. It’s just eating 24/7.
5.          You walk pass the mirror in your hotel room in your underwear and you could have sworn that your side view width has increased substantially.
6.          When you sit down in the toilet, there’s a huge chunk of meat (your stomach) that protrudes out more than usual.
7.          Whenever someone asks you about your next medical check-up, you change the topic immediately.
8.          You are driving and at an intersection (without a traffic light), you shiver, sweat profusely, convulse, shake uncontrollably and then decide to get down from your car, place cons to stop incoming traffic and drive out of your intersection. All in all, it took you 30 minutes to cross the intersection.
9.          You are bathing and when you look down, you realize some appendages are not as visible anymore. Your middle kingdom seemed to be blocking your view……… ….. ….. …... of your toes.
10.     You walk down Batu Feringhi and there’s a firesale for DVD… 50% off the price you pay for in KL
11.     Pig’s blood is a main ingredient in your Curry Mee, Yam Rice, etc.

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