Friday 2 December 2011

Unity… Where Art Thou? What are Thou?


Now the last sentence really sucks right…? UMNO goons would probably be throwing a fit, squirming on the ground, banging tables, raising the keris, threatening me with silat (when we’re in the age of guns and bombs) just because I said that. My intention of course is to enable to you feel the shitty feeling I feel everytime you make racist remarks. I am as much of a Malaysian as any other races. What gives you the right to insult me as a Malaysian? I am born & bred with Malaysian blood flowing thru my veins.

BN tells me “1 Malaysia!” and I really want to believe in it… but the very next moment, they endorse a racist remark made or don’t do anything about it. It pretty much feels like this everytime I believe them (hope of a better Malaysia, and then I get screwed)…

Was in the car the other day listening to FlyFM and they were talking about our childhood days that the things we did. It brought back fond memories for me. The Malay friend I had who would come over to my place to teach me to play gasing and marbles, the Indian family who baby-sitted me and my brother, the Chinese friend I walked to school everyday, the Malay girl I had a crush on when I was in primary school, my Indian best friend who is still my best friend today, my Chinese friend who I played lastic with, my Malay buddies who got me into football, my Indian friend who let me play cricket and hockey and of course sucky times too when a Malay friend slandered me in front of my Dad while we were fishing, a Chinese friend was snobbish to me, an Indian friend whom I got into a fight with. The point is this, good and bad… is NEVER determined by the race we are in. There are great Malay people, there are sucky ones. There are great Indian people, there are sucky ones. There are great Chinese people, there are sucky ones.

When did we come to a point where member of the other race is looked down at just for being in the color of their skin? When did we stop looking at someone’s heart and their true intention and capabilities? When did we started grouping in our races and cared less for the person of another race?

In the political world, Chinese wants to take over Malaysia. In the corporate world, Malays are lazy. In the social world, Indian are drunkards. I totally am disgusted whenever someone makes racist remarks and would definitely not condone such remarks.

How did we allow BN primarily to turn us hostile against each other? I am not blaming BN blindly but everytime a racist remark is uttered from their devilish mouth (especially during their UMNO General Assembly), no action is taken or very very minimal action is done… and the best part, the MCA and MIC counterpart are pretty much deaf to the racial slurs uttered (unlike Pakatan, when they utter anything racist, it’s followed by an apology and racist remarks by them are exceptionally rare… and I too am disgusted equally when such racist remarks is uttered). Conspiracy theorist would tell you that, all this is done so that we continue to be knitted closely as a race and not as Malaysian which would ultimately give them an upper hand in the election. People are so afraid to have their race lose power that they just succumb to voting BN everytime.

But lets leave conspiracy theories aside and start with ourselves. Lets leave BN and Pakatan out of the picture. For the record, I’m not anti-government or anti-BN… I’m just anti-injustice, anti-corruption, anti-cronyism, anti-wastage, anti-racism (all of which BN so happen to be at the moment). Heck I don’t even care if Malaysia is ruled by PAS or Razaleigh with 100% of his cabinet members being Malays… just as long justice is upheld, accountability is upheld and my right as a Malaysian is upheld. I am not interested in fighting for Chinese representation in the parliament at all. Race don’t matter. Accountability and the willingness to uphold what is right does.

But as always, change begins with ourselves. How often have we ourselves fallen into the trap of classifying how people are by their race? I have continuously heard from friends & colleagues that “Malay people are always like that want…”, “Mindset like that cannot do anything”, “Lazy”… are we so righteous ourselves??? Put a Chinese in a casino and he comes back destroying his entire life he once had through gambling. Put a Chinese in renovation line and for the same amount of effort, he can quote you twice the price with a darn straight honest face. Put a Chinese in a corporate line and he forgets about his family at home. Put a Chinese in a singing competition and you’re rather watch the losers in American Idol.

So the next time we want to curse BN/UMNO for being racist, let’s start with ourselves, cause if we ourselves classify people’s ability by their race, then we are no different from them and have no right complaining. We pretty much just fall into their trap to create continuous hostility amongst races. I truly love my Malay bros and sis and would die standing up for their right. So, let’s seriously start with ourselves, be it Cina, Melayu, India, Bidayuh, Kadazan, Sikh dan lain-lain… check the racist remarks we make on our daily basis and then maybe hopefully, we are able to see true unity amongst Malaysians… back to the days of Tunku Abdul Rahman… and then… we can stand up truly as Malaysians and we don’t need half-baked slogans tainted with racist remarks… and then… the picture would be different…

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